Invest in What You Value

My spiritual journey with Christ is something I value. It’s something I hold dear, count as important, and fight for. It’s a relationship that I prioritize and a way of life through which I also process my world.

Because it’s something I value, it’s something I intentionally invest in. Daily, I spend time in prayer, meditation, and communication with my God. Daily, I find myself literally singing songs of praise and worship. Daily, I set aside time to study scriptures.

I also invest time and money in tools to help me pursue this value. I spend time each week with a group of like-minded believers at my church. I give financially to causes I believe in. I sacrifice my time and energy when I serve others in ministry. Even the fact that I’ve purchased Bible-safe highlighters to help me annotate the text I study — that’s an example of an investment I’ve made in something I believe in!

So, why am I saying all of this? I believe it’s important to evaluate what it is you value and spend your time and money and energy and resources investing into those things you value. That is one way to #findyourjoy. Because if we aren’t investing in the things we value, even unintentionally, we are setting ourselves up for dissatisfaction.

Do you need any help clarifying your values? Do you want to better understand this concept? #youmightneedalifecoach So let’s chat! ✨

Also, if you’re interested in investing in these Bible-safe gel highlighters, click this link for a discount!