Want to change the world? You can! Change the way you live. Change your world.
Want to live in a car-free world? Stop using a car. Now the world you live in becomes one in which you walk, bike, and use mass transit. Others might not follow, but that’s their choice. If you want to live where there aren’t any cars, there exist such places (seriously, Google it!) and you can move to one of those places if that’s important to you. But already, you can live in a car-free world.
Want to live in a world where your food isn’t shipped thousands of miles and grown unsustainably by agribusiness? Start a garden. You can just start with one plant, and then another, and another until you have enough to eat eventually. Or start a community garden, or use farmer’s markets, or join (or start) a CSA. You can make a difference in the world just by changing the way you consume your food.
Want to live in a non-consumerist world? Stop buying things. Make things last, reuse things and move to reusable things (such as cloth napkins and glass containers). Fix things when they break, trade your unwanted belongings to others, join Freecycle. Stop watching ads (which might mean you stop watching TV or reading ad-supported magazines and newspapers). Write to your local officials and ask them to create regulations on advertising to children. If you want to stop being a compulsory consumer, you can.
Want to live in a paperless world? Stop buying and using paper. Want to live in a world with no orphans? Adopt. Want to live in a world with no trash? Embrace a zero-waste lifestyle. Want to conserve water? Do it.
If you want a change, then make a change. You likely can't change the whole world for everyone living in it, but you can certainly change the world you live in.
This post was originally crafted by Leo Babauta and edited by me.