When Life Feels Messy
Do you ever feel like a bit of a mess? Like in some way, some part of your life feels crazy and chaotic and messy and you can't figure out how to get it together?
Maybe you're doing really well at your job, but you keep finding yourself in unhealthy relationships and can't figure out why. Maybe you are in school right now, in a great relationship, but you have no idea if you even like what you're studying and what kind of career you want. Maybe you live with your mom, don't have a job, and are going through a devastating breakup.
I don't know what's going on in your life, but I can confidently guess that if you were to take an inventory of your life, you probably wouldn't decide that it is perfect. There are probably areas of your life where you feel you could use some growth or improvement. There may even be areas of your life you are legitimately angry about - because it feels messy and it doesn't feel like your fault.
Whatever the case may be, I just want to provide you with some encouragement today. Life is messy. Life is great and life is hard. There are times where we have our stuff together and times where everything is falling apart. C'est la vie, y'all. That's life.
Does that mean you just have to accept whatever is coming your way, whatever is breaking, whatever mess you find yourself in? No. There are things you can do to improve your situation and surroundings. There are people and resources (and life coaches... and a great God!) around you who are all available to help you bring beauty out of whatever mess you find in your life. But it does mean that it's okay. It's okay that you sometimes feel like a mess. It's normal and it's temporary. It's life.
So, don't be bogged down with the aspects of life that are confusing or messy or scary. C'est la vie, y'all. Don't buy into the lie that because your life is a mess in some way, you are "less" in some way. C'est la vie, y'all. Don't be discouraged when things don't turn out the way you thought they would. C'est la vie, y'all. And la vie est belle.